Technically Speaking
Technically Speaking with Harrison Wheeler
After Hours: Accessibility Q&A with Regine Gilbert

After Hours: Accessibility Q&A with Regine Gilbert

Hey everybody happy new year. Hopefully you started 2021 off on a good foot. I'm excited because I'm recording from my new studio. And. It's all decked out. I'm excited for the next season of Technically Speaking. But before then I'll be dropping a few of these after hour segments. The whole idea around this is to give you all a bit of additional listening experiences from, surplus recordings. For this specific segment, I'm with Regina Gilbert. Author of 'Inclusive Design for a Digital World', Where are we'll be fielding, a Q&A from our live audience. Now if you haven't already, you can listen to the full episode on season one, episode three.


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Technically Speaking
Technically Speaking with Harrison Wheeler
Technically Speaking is a podcast by Harrison Wheeler about BIPOC designers, entrepreneurs & technologists sharing their unique stories of triumph and resilience at the intersection of product design.